UBB Foundation in support of the CoVid-19 first line workers

The UBB Foundation in action – 100 certified coveralls, distributed to the first line health workers in the fight against COVID-19: the Clinical Hospital of Pneumophthisiology “Leon Daniello” Cluj-Napoca, the Clinical Recovery Hospital Cluj, the Institute of Forensic Medicine Cluj and the Surgery and Medical Clinic 3.

“Not long ago, I felt like laughing when I was called and I was told “we have 50 medical protective visors” or “we have 100 masks”, because I knew the huge needs of the hospital. Now I can’t laugh anymore, because I saw how every colleague, friend, acquaintance or stranger tried to help with what he could, be it little or much. Therefore, today we have almost everything we need to protect patients, but also medical staff. The UBB Foundation is among those that offered “less or more”, but certainly they did it with a big heart, for which I can only say a big THANK YOU!” – Dr. Mihai Mleșnițe – manager, Regional Institute of Gastroenterology Hepatology “Octavian Fodor”.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful gesture! – The team from the Pneumoftiziology Hospital, Cluj-Napoca. 

“Respect and congratulations! We thank UBB once again for the donation.” – The management of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Cluj-Napoca thanks the UBB Foundation!

“We thank the UBB Foundation for donating the coveralls to the Recovery Hospital!” – Prof. Dr. Dan Cosma.