
“Alma Mater Napocensis” Foundation is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit, cultural, social, scientific, community and technology transfer organization, with Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai from Cluj-Napoca (UBB) as sole founder.

The UBB Foundation was founded in 1993 and has since served as a tool to fund scientific events through sponsorship. During its 25 years of activity, alongside UBB, it has promoted the publication of volumes resulting from scientific events, organization of charity events and students participation at various international conferences.

Until 2018 the activity of the Foundation was supported on a voluntary basis, by Prof. Dr. Dumitru Matiş, Executive President, Lect. Dr. Veronica Rebreanu, Director of the Board of Directors and Prof. Dr. Nicolae Coman, Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilieş, Prof. Dr. Liviu Pop, Assoc. Prof. Lucia Podoabă, as members of the Board of Directors.

In 2019, the new governing board of the Foundation assumes the mission to ensure the continuity and development of the proposed activities for the organization’s core goals.